
Little Princess Trust & Team Jak Event

NewsFebruary 18th, 2020
Charlie Miller, Styling since 1965
On Sunday 1st March 2020, 29 amazing individuals will be visiting our Stafford Street salon to donate their hair to Little Princess Trust & raise money for local charity Team Jak.

The event is a celebration of leap year and is also hugely inspired by our lovely friend Agatha King. Back in February 2015, Agatha was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and lost her hair during treatment. On being told that she was going to lose her hair Agatha asked for it to be cut off and donated to the Little Princess Trust which, Charlie Miller Managing Director, Jason did in the ward on 3rd March 2015. Fast forward to 2020, Agatha is now 2 and half years in remission and is a healthy happy 9-year-old. Her hair has fully grown back, and she is having it cut again on the day by Jason.

Agatha and her family are also tirelessly fundraising for Team Jak. Team Jak was created at the request of inspirational teenager Jak Trueman following his own journey with childhood cancer.

Inspired by Jak’s dreams, they provide practical, social and emotional support to children and young people with cancer, aged 0–25, as well as their families, friends and those bereaved. Agatha and her family were helped immensely by Team Jak’s services, and they want to help them continue to provide support to other families going through incredibly difficult times.

If you would like to show your support, you can find the fundraising page here. All donations, big and small, will be gratefully received by Team Jak.

To see all our coverage of this exciting event and to keep up to date with all things Charlie Miller, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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