
Get To Know Cameron

SpotlightAugust 1st, 2024
Charlie Miller, Styling since 1965

Get to Know Stafford Street’s Cameron Thomson

After qualifying in March 2022, Cameron Thomson has quickly become just as busy as his most senior colleagues. A shining example of what you can do if you’re passionate and put your mind to it, we talk to Cameron about what he loves about hairdressing, what’s most important to him, and where he gets those outfits that make him look a million dollars.

Early years

Cameron was quite shy and timid when he was a little boy; in fact, he describes his younger self as ‘quite reserved.’

He had a tough start to primary school, having to move at just five years old after being bullied. Once he moved though, things got much better.
He enjoyed high school though, and particularly excelled in Fashion & Textiles and Art & Design, which he studied at Higher level . His least favourite subjects were the sciences.

Cameron didn’t technically decide he wanted to be a hairdresser… his Nana decided for him initially! “She was a client here for years and applied for me!” He tells us.
His Nana has always been a huge inspiration to him. “She’s more than just a grandparent, she’s unbelievable. She pretty much brought me up and was always there,” he says. “Family is what I’m most grateful for in life, but especially my nana. She really stepped up and I’ve been so lucky with my upbringing.” He tells us; “My work ethic has definitely come from her. She’s quite old school,”  which is why she was keen for him to learn a skill like hairdressing.

Cameron had been accepted to Heriot Watt University to study Fashion & Textiles, but his Nana suggested he get a trade under his belt before he did anything else. As soon as he started though, he knew that hairdressing was what he wanted to do.

“That was it, I never looked back.”

He remembers his interview clearly. “It was first thing in the morning, and I was wearing a suit. I’d researched everything I could about Charlie Miller. How many awards Charlie had won, everything.”

“I’d always known the respect and reputation that the company had, and that was the kind of place I could see myself. I wanted to work with a nice team, in a nice environment, and I had a good feeling about it.”

Cameron had clearly made an impression, because he got offered his apprenticeship that very day. “I remember I was sitting in Jenner’s, having a cup of tea, and I got a phone call from Elle asking me if I wanted the job.”

It was less than a week before Cameron started his new career.
“I remember answering the phone while in RMPS [Religious, Moral, & Philosophical Studies]. It was from the salon, asking when I’d like to start. I offered to leave there and then, but we decided on the next again week!”

Keen as he was to start, he turned up the wrong day for his first shift.

Life at Charlie Miller

As we ask Cameron to think back on his best experiences with Charlie Miller, there are so many memories that stand out.

“One of my first big experiences was the time the whole company took a coach through to watch The L’Oréal Colour Trophy in Glasgow. I loved that, it was so good.”

As many others will agree, the first Charlie Miller Achievement Awards you attend as a young trainee always stands out too.

But the very best experience in his career so far was his third-year tour.

Cameron really gave his apprenticeship his all. Particularly when it came to his last year; all of our trainees begin to move around the other salons when they reach the beginning of their third and final year of the apprenticeship, and Cameron put everything into it.
He gained some incredible hairdressing knowledge during this time, most notable was a technique he learned from the wonderful Cat, who is sadly no longer with us. Cat had a flair for teaching and a well-known lack of fear when it came to split cutting or taking weight out of hair. “I remember one night she stayed with me until about 10pm, helping me get the technique right. I was so hesitant to take weight out, but she was the opposite.”

Cat taught me to think about using my scissors in a different way; they do more than cut a straight line. I took a lot from that, and it changed my cutting dramatically.”

It’s clear now how much moments like this have shaped Cameron’s clientele; he does noticeably more cutting and styling than he does colour. “I really focused on cutting and blow drying techniques and learned from the best. As long as you have those strengths and core skills, you can take it anywhere.”

“I’d happily spend my whole day cutting hair.”

If he could choose, Cameron would most like to cut and style Jane Fonda’s hair. “She’s recently embraced her gray, which I love. She also looks like she has a great head of hair to work with, I like her style.”

Cameron found out he’d passed his apprenticeship in a slightly different way than some of the others have in the past; he was called up to the Board Room at Head Office during a managers meeting, sat in front of the Managing Directors and Salon Managers, and told (‘The Apprentice’ style) that he had a job at Stafford Street if he wanted it. He describes the feeling as “unreal”. He remembers leaving afterwards, sitting in his car and trying to let it sink in. Three years of hard work had paid off. But Cameron certainly didn’t take it easy after that; he’s built an impressively large clientele, often doing Jason Miller’s own clients when Jason is unavailable, and the customers adore him.

“If you want a career in hairdressing, you have to give everything to it; don’t hold back. You can’t just walk in the door and expect it to come to you. It’s not easy.”

Life Outside Work

Cameron is definitely in the running for best dressed employee at Charlie Miller; he’s always immaculate with a strong sense of his own style.

So, it might surprise some to read that he’s quite outdoorsy. He loves mountain biking and hiking, and even opened his own scout group while still at school. “I did it for four years. I was in the Scouts when I was younger and opened a group up in Mayfield that had been shut for years. It was so good, I loved it.

On an ideal day off Cameron loves to get outside; his favourite place to mountain bike so far has been 7 Stanes, Kirroughtree, and he loved hillwalking in Schiehallion in Pitlochry.

He also loves shopping, then going for a nice lunch and a glass of wine.

If Cameron was to go out for a drink, he’d head to Gleneagles Townhouse where he was previously a member.

Others On Cameron


“If I had to sum Cameron up in three words I’d say he was stylish, passionate and a perfectionist. He’s so passionate about his job, and about the things that matter, that are important to him. Attention to detail is his thing: he picks up on the little details that others might miss. He likes the finer things in life, but more than anything he’s a genuine and caring human being.”


“The best way I can describe Cameron is as a lovable rouge! He is passionate for his craft and has worked incredibly hard to become the beautiful stylist he is. He is happy, fun and cheeky and a ray of sunshine to have in the salon.”


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